Key indicators of world commodity, stock and currency markets (27.05.2020)

Current price Compared to the
previous day's close
Compared to the
beginning of the year
 Brent (dollar/barrel) 36,4 1,2 - 31,93
WTI (dollar/barrel) 34,35 1,1 - 27,42
Gold (dollar/ounce) 1 705,6 - 29,9 187,5
Dow-Jones 24 995,11 529,95 - 3 650,15
S&P 500 2 991,77 36,32 - 248,25
Nasdaq 9 340,22 15,63 333,6
Nikkei 21 271,17 529,52 - 2 403,9
Dax 11 504,65 113,37 - 1 832,46
FTSE 100 6 067,76 74,48 - 1 577,14
CAC 40 INDEX 4 606,24 66,33 - 1 430,85
Shanghai Composite 2 846,55 28,58 - 186,78
BIST 100 103 024,34 0 - 10 659,26
RTS 1 224,99 11,58 - 324,41
USD/EUR 1,0976 0,0064 - 0,0222
USD/GBP 1,2334 0,0143 - 0,0779
JPY/USD 107,54 - 0,17 - 1,62
RUB/USD 70,8061 - 6,8575 8,6686
TRY/USD 6,7293 - 0,0844 0,7799
CNY/USD 7,1349 - 0,0019 0,1552

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