Foreign citizens started to buy SOCAR bonds

Baku. 16 January. REPORT.AZ/ Foreign citizens started to purchase bonds issued by the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR). Report informs referring to "SOCAR Capital".

According to the information, citizens of neighboring countries - Russia, Georgia and Turkey interested in securities of SOCAR. Increased demand for bond has lifted their prices.

According to the market maker "PSG Capital" SOCAR bonds currently purchased for 1 012 USD and sold for 1 015,5 USD.

Notably, quarterly interest on bonds will be paid for the first time tomorrow.

Notably, SOCAR bonds intended for the domestic market issued in October 2016.

Bonds worth 100 mln USD were issued with a 5-year term with an annual yield of 5%. Initially demand for bonds was more than 2 times by investors. SOCAR bonds have started to trade in the secondary market from October 17 started. Interest payments will be carried out 4 times a year.

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