External liabilities of the banks in Azerbaijan decline

Baku. 9 August. REPORT.AZ/ Total volume of the external liabilities of commercial banks operating in Azerbaijan made 6 800,4 mln. AZN as of July 1, 2017.

Report informs referring to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA), it is 28,8 mln. AZN or 0,42% less compared to the same indicator as of June 1. The external liabilities of commercial banks have increased by 174,6 mln. AZN or 2,64% compared to the corresponding period of 2016. Notably, the decrease in external liabilities has been continuing for 5 months.

The analytical group of Report considers that the process of the gradual decrease of commercial banks’ external liabilities will go on in the background of the stabilization of the AZN rate. The external liabilities made 3 995,3 mln. USD as of July 1. This indicator was 4 012,5 mln. USD as of June 1. Thus, the external liabilities declined by 17,2 mln. USD or 0,43%.

Notably, the record level of external liabilities of commercial banks was registered in January this year and was equal to 8 071,7 mln. AZN or 4 211,7 mln. USD. Thus, the external liabilities of the bank sector have fallen by 216,4 mln. USD or 5,14% since early 2017. 

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