Exchange Rates of Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic (30.07.2015)

Baku. 30 July. REPORT.AZ/ According to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic (CBAR), U.S. dollar up by 0,05% and amounted to 1,0493 manats.

Report informs referring to the Central Bank's official exchange rate information, the euro decreased by 0,92% and amounted to 1,1514 manats. According to the information, the ruble against manat went up by 2,29% up to 0,0179 manats.

1 USD 1.0493 AZN
1 EUR 1.1514 AZN
1 RUR 0.0179 AZN
1 AUD 0.7668 AZN
1 ARS 0.1143 AZN
100 BYR 0.0069 AZN
1 BRL 0.3153 AZN
1 AED 0.2857 AZN
1 ZAR 0.0835 AZN
100 KRW 0.0899 AZN
1 CZK 0.0425 AZN
100 CLP 0.1574 AZN
1 CNY 0.1690AZN
1 DKK 0.1543 AZN
1 GEL 0.4588AZN
1 HKD 0.1353AZN
1 INR 0.0164AZN
1 GBP 1.6372AZN
100 IDR 0.0078AZN
100 IRR 0.0036 AZN
1 SEK 0.1214AZN
1 CHF 1.0829AZN
1 ILS 0.2774AZN
1 CAD 0.8099AZN
1 KWD 3.4635AZN
1 KZT 0.0056 AZN
1 KGS 0.0167 AZN
100 LBP 0.0696AZN
1 MYR 0.2751AZN
1 MXN 0.0644AZN
1 MDL 0.0555AZN
1 EGP 0.1340AZN
1 NOK 0.1286AZN
100 UZS 0.0408 AZN
1 PLN 0.2789AZN
1 SGD 0.7654 AZN
1 SAR 0.2798 AZN
1 SDR 1.4680AZN
1 TRY 0.3789AZN
1 TWD 0.0334 AZN
1 TJS 0.1676AZN
1 TMT 0.3000 AZN
1 UAH 0.0474 AZN
100 JPY 0.8451AZN
1 NZD 0.6957AZN
1 XAU 1143.9993 AZN
1 XAG 15.4562 AZN
1 XPT 1031.4619 AZN
1 XPD 654.7632 AZN

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