EBRD seeks to bolster ties with Azerbaijan

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has expressed keen interest in expanding its cooperation with Azerbaijan.

According to Report, speaking at a panel discussion during the Baku Climate Action Week, EBRD Deputy Director Lin O'Grady highlighted the organization's long-standing desire to strengthen ties with the country.

O'Grady emphasized EBRD's commitment to providing investments in cities through its "Green Buildings" program. She praised her experience working with the Azerbaijani government and cities, describing it as "exceptionally positive."

She noted that the current collaboration focuses on the city of Ganja, but EBRD aims to extend its partnership with the Azerbaijani government to other cities across the nation.

"We work very effectively with the government, in this case with the Ministry of Economy, and with the city, and we hope to expand this interaction," O'Grady stated.

Recognizing the diversity among cities in terms of budget, size, and potential, O'Grady emphasized EBRD's flexible approach.

Cities vary in their level of budgetary resources, size, potential, and other criteria, so the approach to each city must change, and we adapt to this, she explained.

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