Azerbaijan to allocate over $6.6 billion to Karabakh by end of year

By the end of this year, the government of Azerbaijan will allocate more than $6.6 billion for reconstruction and restoration works in the territories freed from occupation, Minister of Finance Samir Sharifov said at the official Opening Session of 56th Annual Meeting of the ADB Board of Governors, Report informs, citing the ministry.

In his speech, he talked about the restoration and reconstruction works carried out in the economic regions of Karabakh and East Zangazur, which were under occupation for more than 30 years and liberated in 2020. The minister said that the government of Azerbaijan, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, has launched the Great Return program, which envisages the implementation of large-scale reconstruction works in those areas and the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to their native villages, towns and cities.

Sharifov said that all physical and social infrastructure was destroyed during the occupation, stressing a large number of demining works should be carried out before the reconstruction measures, and pointed out that the region has great economic potential due to its strategic geographical position.

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