ADB: Melting of glaciers in Azerbaijan can be reduced by 50%

Actions to be taken by Azerbaijan in connection with climate change can reduce melting of glaciers in the country by up to 50%, President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Masatsugu Asakawa told a meeting with students at ADA University in Baku, Report informs.

He said that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is an example of what needs to be done: “Azerbaijan is ready to take steps in this direction, and is aiming to bring the share of renewables in the energy generation to 30% by 2030. Everyone should act together against environmental issues. ADB is also determined to cooperate with Azerbaijan.”

Asakawa noted that some people see global warming only as a threat in the distant future: “This is not the right approach and and global warming is already sending threatening messages of its arrival. There are also threats related to climate change in Azerbaijan. I regret to inform you that currently the mountain glaciers are melting rapidly and freshwater resources are running out.

I am very concerned about the threats posed by climate change. The melting of the ice is becoming a serious problem both for those living in the mountainous regions and in other areas.”

Taking into account the difficulties that will arise in the future due to the increase in migration, the disruption of the trade chain, and the change in prices, the ADB President emphasized the importance of taking joint action against the existing global problems relying on the current good financial situation.

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