Black Gold collection related to Azerbaijan presented in London - PHOTO - VIDEO

London. 19 February. REPORT.AZ/ Within the framework of the fashion week in London, Designer Leonie Mergen presented a collection autumn-winter called Black Gold.

Designer told Report that when creating her new collection, she was inspired by the history of industry development on the Absheron Peninsula.

She noted that the Absheron Peninsula is a region of great importance in terms of history of industry: "This collection for men and women reflects the traditional clothes presented in different periods of industrialization. I am very glad that I have the opportunity to present my work at the London fashion week today," Mergen said.

Notably, designer Leonie Mergen, who lives in Berlin, presented the Karabakh collection at the fashion week in Berlin and London in 2017. This collection was prepared on the basis of traditional clothes of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. In 2018, Mergen presented the collection "Seven beauties" at London fashion week.


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