Baku hosts exhibition on women

An exhibition of the famous Egyptian artist dedicated to women took place in Azerbaijan, Report informs.

The famous Egyptian artist Ines Eissa's exhibition dedicated to women took place at the Khatai Art Center on the past day. The exhibition featured the artist's philosophical works dedicated to women.

Iness Eissa stressed that women all over the world have the same feelings, emotions, sentiments and smiles: “Although religion, language and race are different, women have the same feelings and emotions. I also traveled to the inner world of women in this exhibition. I tried to portray them as they really are, not as they really seem. It is possible to meet women in different images at the exhibition.

"It is rich with the bright examples of wisdom, selflessness and heroism of Azerbaijani and Egyptian women. Our women have unparalleled services in the creation and formation of our centuries-old national and moral values, which are the expression of our national existence, and in their survival to this day. I think that this sublime existence should be a source of inspiration in the work of every artist."

Doctor of Philosophy in Art History Ziyadkhan Aliyev, who participated in the exhibition, stressed that he got acquainted with the works which reflect the sublime feelings at each of the works: “It is gratifying that a woman expresses the spirit of women so clearly and purely. I witnessed very interesting works here. We are pleased with such a sensitive and philosophical description of the female spirit. Iness is a talented and philosophical woman who is able to express herself in her work. He loves art and loves works."

People's Artist Agali Ibrahimov, who highly appreciated the works included in Iness's exposition, also noted that the artist's works are mesmerizing and interesting: “Each woman has a different story in her paintings. Each of these women has different grief. You have to love a woman every day

"There is no composer, poet, musician, playwright, artist who does not work in the spirit and the character of a woman. Let's take the painting "Mono Lisa", this work is the most expensive in the world. There is one real work in the world that is priceless, and that is Mono Lisa. This is the image of a woman."

At the end of the event, Iness Eissa was awarded two diplomas by the Art Union - "Individual Exhibition", "Works of Philosophical Thought". It should be noted that the curator of the exhibition and the project is a well-known painter of Turkiye and Azerbaijan Gunay Zebić Mehdizade.

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