Baku Aquatics Center - PHOTOS

Baku. 27 April. REPORT.AZ/ One of the arenas where the competition will be held during the I European Games is Baku Aquatics Center.

Report informs, the center is almost ready for operation.

The opening ceremony was held on 20 April. Currently recent works are underway, then arena will be handed over to Baku 2015 European Games Operations Committee (BEGOC).The construction of the sports facility, which was drafted in December 2012, launched in January of 2013.

Design and Architecture of Center belong to the Korean and Spanish companies. The length of the center is 220, width - 150, height - 35 meters.The building meets all the standards and can operate at least 50 years.

Three swimming pools were built on the ground floor of the three-story sports facility.The main pool is designed for diving and synchronized swimming. Pool dimensions: Length 50 meters, width 25 meters and volume of 3.2 million liters of water.

The other swimming pool is used for diving.At the edge of the pool there are jumping platforms from a height of 1; 3; 5; 7,5 and 10 meters.The length of the pool is 25 meters, width - 20, and the depth - up to 5 meters.

There is also a swimming pool for training.It consists of 2 parts. The depth of the basin - 51.5 meters, width 25 meters is changing.On average it is 2 meters.

6,000 spectators can simultaneously follow the competitions.Tribunes established on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the center.Entrance will be available for both the audience and for media representatives and VİP-guests.In addition, there are special places for the disabled, who will also be able to follow the competition.

In a statement to journalists chief manager of the park of European games Tom Butcher said that there are also spa-centers and restaurants in the building: "The building was built in accordance with modern technology.

In particular, efficient heating and ventilation systems established here".

According to T.Butchera pools meet Olympic standards and the standards of the International Swimming Federation.The site also has modern lighting system for broadcasting in accordance with international standards.

During the I European Games competition in synchronized swimming at the Baku Aquatics Center is scheduled for June 12-16, in diving for June 18-21, and swimming for June 23-27.

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