US doubles LNG supplies to Europe

The US doubled LNG supplies to Europe in 2022, to 70 billion cubic meters, US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources, former US Ambassador to Ukraine and Greece Geoffrey Ross Pyatt said at the first East Macedonia and Thrace Forum in Alexandroupolis, Report informs.

He noted that the US LNG has become an important factor for the diversification of energy sources for Europe. Producers were able to ‘mobilize’ LNG in response to the needs arising from the crisis in Ukraine.

“The US shipped more than 70 billion cubic meters of LNG to Europe, double the amount of the previous year, and most of that cargo passed through Greece. US LNG export potential is estimated to increase by about 50% by 2025 based on licensed and located projects are under development,” he said, noting that along with Qatar, the country will remain the biggest LNG exporter in the coming years.

“This is also linked to the Alexandroupolis floating storage and regasification unit, which is another important sustainability factor that Greece is building for Southeast Europe,” Pyatt said.

He added that this project concerns not only Greece, but the entire region. Pyatt said that Alexandroupolis is acquiring a very important role both as a regional energy player and as a gateway to security and cooperation in the wider region.

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