Turkey receives over 5 billion cubic meters of gas via TANAP in 2021

In January-November this year, Azerbaijan exported about 7.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Turkey, Report informs, citing the Energy Ministry’s operative data on oil and gas production in the country in January-November 2021.

Over 5.1 billion cubic meters of gas was transported to Turkey via the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP) during this period, the report adds.

Natural gas from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz field is transported to Turkey. Natural gas volumes are delivered to the Turkish market via the South Caucasus Pipeline (Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum) and TANAP. The first gas entered the Turkish market via the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline in 2007. The transportation of commercial gas to Turkey via TANAP began on June 30, 2018.

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