TAP helps promote safety standards in Albania

Baku. 22 November. REPORT.AZ/ The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is one of the most important leaders and promoters on safety standards in Albania and actively participated in the 3rd Tirana Gas Pipelines Safety Workshop, organised on 18 November 2016 by the Embassy of Greece. The event titled “Gasification of Albania builds safety capacity,” brought together the most important Albanian energy institutions and companies in an effort to share experience and promote safety as well as environmental best practice in the gas industry.

Report informs referring to the TAP, the event was attended by Ilir Bejtja, Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry, Eleni Sourani, Ambassador of Greece in Albania, Shkëlqim Bozgo, TAP Albania country manager, Karl Roberts, TAP Greece and Albania project manager and numerous representatives from institutions and companies in the energy sector. TAP’s contractors and subcontractors presented their experience in building the Albanian segment of the pipeline.

The overarching outcome of the extensive discussions was unanimous. The experience that Albanian companies and workers are gaining from the construction of the TAP project is a key legacy for the country’s safety standards. TAP provides an excellent opportunity for Albania to improve safety standards not only in the energy sector, but also in the construction and transport industries.

“With its commitment to internationally recognised health, safety, security and environmental standards and the use of best practices, TAP can serve as an example to emulate in this field while helping to foster a much needed safety culture within the Albanian society and business community,” Greek Ambassador Eleni Sourani highlighted in her speech.

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