TANAP Director General: The project will have both economic and political benefits to Turkey and Azerbaijan - EXCLUSIVE

Eskisehir. 12 June. REPORT.AZ/ "The Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) project will have both economic and political benefits to Turkey and Azerbaijan", TANAP Director General Saltuk Düzyol  said to Report. 

"A lot of work has been done for  three years and three months since  March 17, 2015, when the TANAP groundbreaking ceremony took place. The 1340-kilometer 56-inch section of the pipeline has been completed. We are ready to supply Turkey with gas via TANAP. "

According to him, first commercial gas transportation to Turkey is planned to start on June 30.

According to S. Düzyol, the construction of TANAP part of the gas supply to Europe (Phase-1) is also progressing, and 84% of the work has been done in this section: "TANAP is the largest component of the Southern Gas Corridor project. Through this project, we will also become Turkey's energy corridor. About 13,000 people were employed at TANAP during the construction period. 80% of the pipes were manufactured by Turkish companies. The project is realised using  the highest technologies  and  the highest standards of safety. In this sense, TANAP is a model project", he said.

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