SOCAR constantly studies foreign experience when introducing new technologies

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) is constantly studying the experience of foreign companies and states, as well as exchanging experience with them when introducing new technologies, Fuad Aliyev, deputy head of SOCAR's Information Technologies and Communications Department, told Report.

“When implementing technologies, companies always study the experience of other states or organizations that have already passed this path, as well as the problems that have arisen. Based on their experience and mistakes, we try to ensure that the implementation of our projects is successful,” he said, adding that the German company SAP is the biggest partner of SOCAR in the field of digital transformation.

SOCAR also exchanged experience with the oil companies of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia and others in order to choose the most appropriate path for introducing innovations.

Aliyev added that such an exchange of experience takes place on a mutual basis. For example, the Kazakh state oil company KazMunayGas recently turned to Azerbaijan to study SOCAR's experience in protecting intellectual property rights, he noted.

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