Saltuk Duzyol: TANAP makes Azerbaijan Turkey's second largest and EU's new gas supplier

From the date of commissioning of the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP), which significantly contributes to the branding of Azerbaijan and Turkey in the energy sector, to the end of January 2022, the total volume of natural gas supplied to Turkey reached 14.5 billion cubic meters and 9 billion cubic meters to Europe, said TANAP Consortium Director General Saltuk Duzyol, Report informs.

According to him, TANAP, as the most crucial link in the Southern Gas Corridor, not only contributes to the further development of Azerbaijan's existing economic and political cooperation with the European Union but also brings Azerbaijan to the level of Turkey's second-largest gas supplier and new EU gas supplier:

"The capacity of TANAP, currently 16 billion cubic meters, can be increased to 31 billion cubic meters with additional investment."

He said that the new jobs and employment opportunities created during the implementation of the TANAP project had made significant contribution to the Turkish economy:

"The project provided direct and indirect employment opportunities to about 13,000 people during the investment period in 20 cities along the pipeline route. Moreover, the programs of social and ecological investments were implemented. In this context, the financial assistance was provided to more than 1,000 projects in 20 cities, 67 districts and 600 villages," he said.

At present, commercial operations are carried out with 100% efficiency.

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