Rovnag Abdullayev: SOCAR is Georgia's main gas supplier

Today the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) is the main gas supplier to Georgia, SOCAR President Rovnag Abdullayev said at the 2021 International Investment Forum dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Turkmenistan, held in Ashgabat on 12-13 May, Report informs.

According to Abdullayev, SOCAR is successfully supplying gas to Turkey, where about 82 billion cubic meters from the Shah Deniz field have already been supplied, including over 12 billion cubic meters, starting from June 30, 2018, when the first stage of the expanded Southern Gas Corridor was commissioned.

Rovnag Abdullayev said that the company began to actively trade gas in Europe and carry out supplies to Greece, Bulgaria, and Italy, currently supplying a record 26 million cubic meters of gas per day.

In the first three months of 2021, Azerbaijan sold 784 million cubic meters of gas to Georgia.

According to the SOCAR President, on December 31, 2020, the 3,500 km Southern Gas Corridor, with an investment value of about $33 billion, connected the Caspian region with Southeast Europe, encompassing 7 countries and making a great contribution to energy security in Europe and the environment. For the first time in history, Azerbaijan managed to export its natural gas to European markets.

The Southern Gas Corridor is a project for the expansion of the South Caucasus gas pipeline (Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum), as well as the construction of the TANAP gas pipeline in Turkey and the expansion of the TAP gas pipeline in Europe. Natural gas produced under this project will be delivered through Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, and along the Adriatic Sea bottom to Italy via pipelines.

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