Mishovdag, Kalameddin field production to increase this year

In 2021, 0.64 million barrels of oil are projected to be extracted from the Mishovdag and Kalameddin fields, Report informs, citing the review of Chamber of Accounts on a budget of the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) for 2021.

According to the information, the field will produce 0.63 million barrels of oil in 2020, which is 1.6% less than the estimate for 2021.

In 2019, this figure was 0.7 million barrels, which is 8.6% more than this year's forecast.

The Mishovdag field is located 80 km south-west of Baku and included in development since 1956. The area has 754 wells.

The Kalameddin field is in the northwest of Hajigabul station, a central part of the Kalameddin range. The area was discovered in 1978 and put into operation in 1980. A total of 151 wells have been drilled in the Kalameddin field.

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