Kakha Kaladze: "We intend to expand cooperation in energy transportation with Azerbaijan"

Tbilisi. 15 April. REPORT.AZ/ "Today, Azerbaijan and Georgia successfully carry out projects in a number of areas including transportation of electricity. We already have a very good achievements and we intend to expand this project”.

Report’s Georgia bureau informs, Deputy Prime Minister and Energy Minister of Georgia Kakha Kaladze has said.

The minister noted that, today, Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey energy bridge work continues successfully.

It is through this bridge 1 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity flowed from Azerbaijan through Georgia to Turkey in 2016. At present, work is underway to strengthen cross-border electricity trading.

"I believe, in 2017 we will achieve great success in this area and that the figure will increase in the transmission of electricity," – Kaladze said.

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