ICGB: SGC critical for security of gas supplies to Europe

The Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) is critical to the security and diversification of gas supplies to southeast and southern Europe, Teodora Georgieva, Executive Officer of the ICGB project company from Bulgaria, said this in an interview with Report.

According to her, the Southern Gas Corridor is the fourth key gas supply corridor to Europe and serves for the supply of natural gas from Azerbaijan and the Caspian region.

"The fact that the IGB pipeline connects TAP makes it an integral part of the SGC. The project provides access to Bulgaria and the SEE region to the Southern Gas Corridor and the transportation of Azerbaijani natural gas," T. Georgieva said.

She noted that the meetings of the Advisory Council of the Southern Gas Corridor contribute to better coordination of projects implemented along this route.

The full text of the interview can be found by clicking on the link.

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