Gas prices in Europe down 3%

Gas prices in Europe during exchange trading on December 9 dropped to $1,150 per 1,000 cubic meters amid growing nominations for the supply of fuel from Norway, according to the London stock exchange ICE, Report informs referring to TASS.

At the close of trading, the January futures price on the TTF hub in the Netherlands dropped to $1,151 per 1,000 cubic meters.

The overall decline in the cost of gas in Europe compared to the closing price the day before exceeds 3%.

The reason for the decline in prices could related to the growth of nominations for the supply of gas from Norway to Europe. During the day, they increased by 19% to 350.1 million cubic meters per day after a sharp drop to 293.3 million cubic meters on December 8.

On December 8, gas prices in Europe were over $1,200 per 1,000 cubic meters.

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