European Investment Bank insists to participate in TANAP

Baku. 9 May. REPORT.AZ/ 'Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) is among the projects given priority by us'.

Report informs, Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Pim Van Ballekom said.

According to the EIB official, the bank's participation in TANAP will be known soon: 'I hope in joining the project. We are doing our best and this issue will be solved in the coming months'.

Notably, in April, some media spread information that the EIB will allocate 1 billion EUR loans to Turkey for the TANAP construction. Vagif Aliyev, Chief of Investments Department of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) said in his interview to Natural Gas Europe website that the EIB and World Bank (WB) will allocate totally 2,13 billion USD for the project. 

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