European Commission: Time is ripe for the establishment of Energy Union

Baku. 12 December. REPORT.AZ/ In order to discuss the Southern Gas Corridor project, more than hundred energy experts, public officials and diplomats came together in Brussels on December,9. Report informs, the speakers list included, the Vice-president of SOCAR for investments and marketing Elshad Nasirov, Ambassador, Head of the Mission to the European Union of Azerbaijan Republic Fuad Isgandarov, Italian Vice-minister for Economic Development, Vice-president of the European Commission on Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič, as well as the representatives of the international energy companies involved in the realisation of the Southern Gas Corridor.

In his speech, Vice-president Elshad Nasirov expressed his delight for Azerbaijan’s contribution to keep the lights on and the homes warm in Europe. Mr. Nasirov indicated that Southern Gas Corridor is a super highway, which incorporates all aspects of the EU-Azerbaijan relations ranging from strategic partnership to economic cooperation. “Even if the initial volumes through SGC may seem insignificant vis-à-vis the overall EU consumption, the contribution of Azerbaijani gas to the specific gas buying countries is enormous and can help them to solve their energy supply concerns”. In addition, according to Mr. Nasirov, with its environmentally friendly properties vis-à-vis other energy carriers, gas will also help the EU to mitigate its environmental concerns. Furthermore, Mr. Nasirov pointed out that, “SOCAR’s contribution is not confined to energy security only. We are prepared to be one of the biggest non-EU investors in the EU”.

Italian vice-minister Claudio De Vincenti indicated that SGC is a great example of the global energy governance.

Speaking at the event, Ambassador Isgandarov expressed his hope that the project will help to foster strategic-political dialogue between the EU and Azerbaijan.

Vice-president of the EC, Maroš Šefčovič indicated that he was in Azerbaijan a couple of days before the event and had a chance to hold meetings with Azerbaijani leadership. According to him, Azerbaijani leadership sees SGC as a priority and guarantees the timely delivery of the project on their side. Mr. Šefčovič also admitted that, EU’s partners on SGC, Azerbaijan and Turkey have already fulfilled their commitments to the project. “Now they expect from us to do our part of the deal. At the end of the day, SGC will contribute to the energy security of Europe”. He indicated that time is ripe for the establishment of Energy Union and there are all the conditions to see it through.

During the meeting, vice-president of BP on SGC Joe Murphy and the CEO of Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) Kjetil Tungland expressed their thoughts with the attendees.

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