Bulgaria & Greece refuse to import gas from Russia, switch to Russian LNG

In October, Greece suspended imports of Russian natural gas and Bulgaria stopped buying it from other traders. Instead, these countries have switched to buying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Gazprom, Report informs referring to the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG).

“In early October, the Velikiy Novgorod tanker unloaded in Greece. It delivered the first cargo from the new Portovaya LNG complex in the Baltic Sea. It belongs to Gazprom. The gas carrier could deliver up to 100 million cubic meters to the Revithoussa terminal,” reads the report.

According to the largest analytical company in the global chemical market ICIS, the buyer was the Greek company Mytilineos S.A. In turn, Bulgaria in the second month of autumn imported Russian LNG with the help of reverse supplies from Greece, as well as via the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and the IGB interconnector.

“Reverse gas supplies from Greece to Bulgaria through the Sidirokastro/Kulata measuring point, through which Russian gas flows, amount to 2.4 million cubic meters per day in October <....> Through the TAP and the IGB interconnector, Bulgargaz receives daily 3.3 million cubic meters, 2.7 million cubic meters of which go to the Chiren storage facility.”

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