BP-Azerbaijan Vice President: "We are honoured to work closely with Khoshbakht Yusifzade"

"We are honoured to have this great opportunity to work closely with such a renowned expert in the Caspian geology as academician Khoshbakht Yusifzade," Bakhtiyar Aslanbeyli, Vice President for Communications, External Affairs, Strategy & Region at BP Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey, told Report.

"We have enjoyed his support in all our activities in Azerbaijan. He has always generously shared his incredible knowledge and experience with us, and this, we believe, has been invaluable to the success of our joint work over the past 27 years. His 'explorer instinct' has guided us for many years to take the right decisions with regard to the best exploitable oil and gas horizons and reservoirs. We feel privileged to learn from this grand master of exploration in the Caspian," Aslanbeyli said.

Bakhtiyar Aslanbeyli:

"We feel privileged to learn from this grand master of exploration in the Caspian".

Bəxtiyar Aslanbəyli

Bakhtiyar Aslanbeyli:

SOCAR First Vice President, academician Khoshbakht Yusifzade is marking his 90th jubilee today. More than 20 oil and gas fields have been discovered and put into operation with his participation and leadership. He has great merits in the successful implementation of independent Azerbaijan's new oil strategy.

Taking into account his merits, President Ilham Aliyev issued an order to mark Khoshbakht Yusifzade's 90th jubilee. He was awarded the orders of Istiglal, Sharaf, and Shohrat.

Yesterday, Ilham Aliyev issued an order on awarding Yusifzade with Heydar Aliyev order. 

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