BP and partners finalize project to support development of IT market in Azerbaijan

Today, BP and partners in the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Shah Deniz, and South Caucasus Pipeline projects completed the ABB Tech Academy project, which they joined in 2020.

Report informs that a total of 208 people from various sectors of the economy were trained under the project, and their information technology (IT) skills, general technical knowledge, and skills were developed, which allows them to keep up with the rapidly changing world of technology. The training of 150 of these participants was jointly funded by BP and partners and IBA.

Nine groups of representatives from more than 50 local and international organizations, including IBA and Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Baku Engineering University, Baku Higher Oil School, and UNEC, were proposed during the project implementation period,

The total cost of the project is 400,000 manats ($235,300), of which half was provided by BP and its partners, and the remaining half was financed by the International Bank.

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