Azerbaijan has no plans to import Russian gas in 2022

Azerbaijan didn’t import and doesn’t plan to buy Russian gas in 2022, since in fact, during 2021, all obligations in terms of volumes and payments were fulfilled under the agreement signed in July 2021 between the state company Azercontract and the Gazprom group, an informed source in the Azerbaijani government told Report.

“Yes, the agreement was valid until 2023, it concerned swap operations - the supply of gas from Azerbaijan to Russia in the summer season, and the shipment of similar volumes of gas from Russia to Azerbaijan in the autumn-winter period. But already last year, the agreed volumes were delivered. There are no swap operations with Gazprom in 2022 and are not planned yet,” a government spokesperson explained.

In 2021, the Azercontract state company ensured the supply of 326.5 million cubic meters of gas to Russia under a seasonal swap contract, and Gazprom supplied the same volume to Azerbaijan in the fall.

“If there are no swap operations, there can be no talk about the form of payment to Gazprom in rubles or in any other currency,” the source said.


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