Ministry: Salary of civil servants in Azerbaijan to be raised to level of private sector

Baku. 25 January. REPORT.AZ/ The new bill “On the system of remuneration of civil servants" has been prepared and submitted to relevant state bodies, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan Matin Karimli said.

Report informs that he spoke at the closing ceremony of the "Project of support to continue reforms in the civil service system of Azerbaijan".

The Deputy Minister noted that it is also planned to prepare bills on remuneration of labor in other future budget-funded organizations.

Speaking about new approaches, Karimli said that salaries in the public sector will be determined at a level which can be compared with the private sector: "Secondly, equal payment will be provided for equal work on the principle of social justice. Thirdly,  the number of payment levels existing in the system of remuneration of civil servants will be increased. This figure is close to 400. Fourthly, raising motivation of the civil servants within the same classification. And the fifth is taking into account the activity of civil servants in raising their salaries. "

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