Rules of recognition of foreign diplomas being changed in Azerbaijan

A new project has been submitted to the government to amend the rules for recognizing foreign qualifications (diplomas), Eldar Orujov, Chairman of the Board of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, said at a briefing, Report informs.

He said that the recognition of diplomas for next year would be in another format:

"The new project will have a partial recognition concept. The education standard in universities of many countries, especially in the field of medicine, is lower than in Azerbaijan. In this case, their knowledge is not enough.

"Students will be given the right to obtain loans and complete their specialties lacking in other higher education institutions in Azerbaijan. The process has been discussed for a long time. I think that the project will be approved early next year. After the new amendment, the loans of these individuals will be recognized, and a partial recognition certificate will be issued."

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