TU-Wien (Vienna University of Technology) - one of the leading universities in Europe, starts it's 25 years old Master Program of "Engineering Management" from November this year in Baku.
There is no need to go to European cities and spend a fortune to get an internationally accredited and well-known Master of Science diploma. Graduates of this master's program receive a degree from the Vienna University of Technology, in addition to the opportunities available to students at European universities during their studies. Opportunities for students include: Use the university campus, library, become a member of the University's alumni club, eligibility to resident permit and obtain a work permit after graduation, receive assistance in the job search process, and other advantages which available for all students of University.
Hundreds of graduates of this program, which has gained popularity in Europe and America, have achieved career advancement. Technical professionals, as well as engineers, lawyers, and economists participate in the program and receive complimentary education in areas such as marketing, business organization and management, logistics, and the basics of modern engineering. Graduates can specialize in technical and engineering management, both in the small and medium business sector and in large companies.
The lectures provided in the program are held in Baku in English only once a month in 13 modules held on weekends. Thus, 11 modules will be taught in Baku and two combined modules in Vienna. The study period is three semesters and will last from November 2020 to May 2022. Lecturers are international professionals both from academia and from the industry. The program is open to anyone with a bachelor's degree in any field, or with long-term technical or managerial professionalism, knowledge of English, and work experience.
After scholarship applied, the tuition fee will be 11,500 euros for citizens of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Iran, and Kazakhstan who want to study in Baku. The tuition fee for this program in Vienna is 19,900 euros. This amount will be € 9,900, with an additional discount for early applicants (till May 31) to the program in Baku.
Those who want to rise in management can achieve their goals by participating in the program of the Vienna University of Technology, which will start operating in Baku.
by August 31, 2020.
The list of documents required for admission and link for online application can be obtained from: https://engineering.tuwien.ac.at/baku_track/
For more information https://cec.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=14681 and www.azerobotics.com.