Number of students in school in liberated Fuzul to increase to 500 people

The number of students in a newly opened school in the liberated city of Fuzuli will increase to 500 by the end of the school year, Hajar Mahmudova, director of secondary school No. 1 named after Mirza Ulugbek, told a Report correspondent in Fuzuli.

According to the director, 290 students have already been enrolled in the three months of the school’s existence: "The return to Fuzuli continues, and we expect that by the end of the school year the number of students in the educational institution will increase to 500 people."

On August 23, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, his wife Ziroatkhon Mirziyoyeva took part in the opening of secondary school No. 1 named after Mirza Ulugbek, built by Uzbekistan in Fuzuli.

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