Minister: Restrictions on public transport on weekends won't hinder education

“We have sent inquiries to all schools and done research regarding the fact that public transport does not function in the country on weekends,” Azerbaijani Education Minister Emin Amrullayev said at a briefing on the organization of the 2021-2022 academic year, Report informs.

“According to the response to the inquiries, this is not a serious issue. In many cases, children do not go to schools by public transport on the outskirts, and most of them live in the vicinity of the school.

If there are any exceptions, we can solve them locally. In general, the issue of public transport is not a serious problem. Not many of our schools work six days a week. The matter is about the restriction of public transportation only in Baku, Sumgayit, and Absheron,” the minister stressed.

Hansısa istisna hallar olarsa, bunu biz müəssisə bazasında həll edə bilirik. Ümumilikdə ictimai nəqliyyatla bağlı məsələ ciddi problem deyil. Bizim altı gün işləyən məktəblərimizin də sayı bir o qədər çox deyil. Biz yalnız Bakı, Sumqayıt və Abşeronda ictimai nəqliyyatın məhdudlaşdıırlmasından danışırıq”, - nazir vurğulayıb.

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