First bell rings at schools under accompaniment of sounds of Victory

Today, the secondary schools in Azerbaijan have opened their doors to primary grades in a new academic year.

Report's correspondent has visited secondary school No 53 in Baku.

The event was attended by MP Erkin Gadirli, deputy head of the Baku City Education Department Orkhan Karimov and school graduate, Patriotic war veteran Javid Ashirov.

The anthem of Azerbaijan was sounded in the first place.

Then, the speakers wished success to schoolchildren and the first-grade students in the year of Victory.

After that, the students were seen off to their classrooms.

Like in all other educational establishments, School No 53 dedicated the first lesson to the topic 'Karabakh is Azerbaijan!'

In the 2021-2022 academic year, a total of 1,589,829 pupils are expected to study in the country's general education institutions.

As many as 158,608 students will study in the first grade, 132,881 in the ninth grade, and 91,538 in the eleventh grade.

The educational establishments subordinated to the Baku City Education Department will account for 471,661 students, including 49,171 in grade 1, 36,199 in grade 9, 27,016 in grade 10, 23,707 in grade 11, and 176 in grade 12.

The students of senior grades will be back to school on September 29 and will study five days a week in an offline format.

Report presents the footage from the Baku schools.

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