Colombia conducts Spanish language training for Azerbaijani civil servants

The inaugural act of the IX version of the "Initiative for the dissemination of Colombian culture through the teaching of Spanish" of the Government of Colombia was held this year in virtual format - a program that is developed within the framework of a cooperation agreement between the Ministries of Foreign Relations of Colombia and Azerbaijan.

Report informs that the inauguration of this IX version of the Spanish Courses had the participation of the Director of Cultural Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, Catalina Albarracín Suárez; the Director General of APC-Colombia, Ángela Ospina de Nicholls, the rector of the UPB, Presbítero Julio Jairo Ceballos Sepúlveda.

The Colombian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Luis Antonio Dimaté Cárdenas, presented a message to the attendees, highlighting the importance of the initiative and its contribution to strengthening the ties of friendship between Colombia and Azerbaijan: "The Spanish Course has become an emblematic program and a platform for the development of relations between Colombia and Azerbaijan, a tool to bring our countries closer together, to make our cultures known and achieve greater knowledge and understanding among our peoples. The Course has also been a modest but very significant contribution to the training of human resources that enables the Government of Azerbaijan to develop in a more dynamic way its relations not only with our country but with all of Latin America".

Through this initiative, which has the support of the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation (APC-Colombia) and which has been offered since 2013, 247 Azerbaijani diplomats and public officials have been favored, to which a group of around 45 officials who will learn Spanish and get closer to Colombian culture.

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