BHOS teacher: Our students shall be proud of being Higher School’s graduates

Baku. 24 April. REPORT.AZ/ Public Relations department of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) continues its new project entitled “I am teaching at BHOS”. 

Report informs, teacher of the Process Automation Engineering department, associate professor Leyla Muradkhanli is answering questions today. 

– First question is a traditional one. Why have you chosen the teacher profession?

– I am process automation engineer by education. When I was choosing my future profession, I never thought I would become a teacher. But then I decided that I wanted to share my knowledge and experience with others. Being a teacher is a big honor for me. It is a very respected and challenging profession, and 25 years of my work as a teacher proved that my choice was correct.

– Please tell about yourself.

– I graduated with honors the Industrial Processes Automation faculty of the Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute in 1988. In 1992, I received Ph.D. degree in technical sciences, and after seven years I became an associate professor. In 2009, I obtained a Master degree in Energy Management at Norwegian Business School. My teaching experience includes work at the Azerbaijani State Oil Academy, Khazar University, and lately at the Baku Higher Oil School, where I have been working since 2014. In addition, I was teaching and carrying out research activities at universities in the states of Georgia, Indiana and Pennsylvania in the USA, at Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin and Applied Sciences University in Germany, and also at Jagiellonian University in Poland.

In 2011, I was awarded with a Certificate of Honour by the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan. In 2016, SOCAR awarded me with a Certificate of Honour for my achievements in training of specialists for oil and gas industry.

– Every student has his or her best-loved teacher. Who was your favorite teacher when you were a student?

– There were many teachers whom I liked very much. They all were professionals, true experts, who managed to spark our interest in studies. So, I liked to study, and I studied not only technical disciplines, but also social and economic sciences. I was ‘A’ grade student and was receiving Lenin’s scholarship, which was the most prestigious scholarship at that time.

– Please tell us about your students. Who they are? How do you see their future?

– I worked at various places and I had many students. I am always gratified by their success. As for the BHOS students, they study at the Higher School, because they managed to gather high scores at the entrance exams. Thus, they realize that study here is a big responsibility. Our students are very talented and active, they participate in various projects and initiatives and do research work. I see them as high-qualified specialists who work for the benefit of their country in the future.

– How do you envision the Baku Higher Oil School in ten years?

– In ten years, there will be much more teachers at Higher school located in the new campus, and young people from many countries will study here. New faculties will be opened, and we will prepare specialists of more professions. I am sure that education provided by the Baku Higher Oil School will remain of the best quality, and in ten years BHOS will become the leading university in Azerbaijan.

– What do you do in your leisure time?

– I can say that I actually do not have free time. In spare time, I read professional literature, as I always try to learn more, to obtain more information in the field of my expertise and to raise my professional level.

– What would you wish the first graduates of the Baku Higher Oil School?

– I wish them every success in their life and career. I believe that they will be always proud of being graduates of the Baku Higher Oil School, irrespective of their titles and positions in the future.

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