BHOS Rector Elmar Gasimov met with prospective students earning 700 points

Baku. 24 July. REPORT.AZ/ Rector of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) Elmar Gasimov held a meeting with those prospective students who earned 700 points at the second stage of the entrance exams to national universities for the first specialty group conducted by State Examination Centre of Azerbaijan. Report was told in Public Relations Department of the High School. The meeting participants included Anar Abiyev, Tapdig Maherramly, Rustam Garayev, Azer Zeynally, Sona Mehdizada and their parents and other members of their families. The Rector Elmar Gasimov told about the BHOS activities and achievements. He provided information about high-quality education offered by the Higher School in Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Process Automation Engineering. Starting this academic year, BHOS undergraduates can also study and obtain Bachelor’s degree in Information Security, said the Elmar Gasimov. As the Rector informed, the Higher School has established long-term cooperation with large international companies, and maintains close relationship with the industry. In his words, the BHOS students receive the most updated information about latest developments in the oil and gas sector. The Higher School provides them with an opportunity to gain not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical professional experience, he said. The Rector emphasized that the BHOS graduates have qualifications and expertise required by leading transnational companies. The prospective students said that they knew about the Baku Higher Oil School’s high reputation and expressed their interest in obtaining Bachelor’s degrees at BHOS. Young people told about their academic achievements, the schools they finish or lyceums they graduated. In conclusion, a commemorative photo was taken. The guests were also given a tour around the BHOS campus. They learned about the conditions created for the students and visited lecture halls, sports complex, student housing, library and other facilities. The Head of the BHOS Process Automation Engineering department Manafaddin Namazov showed the visitors the training centers and laboratories set up and equipped by international companies including, among others, ABB, Emerson and Schneider Electric.

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