Azerbaijan to create International Association of Foreign Graduates from Azerbaijani universities

Baku. 26 October. REPORT.AZ/ The International Association of Foreign Graduates of Azerbaijani universities will be created in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said.

Report informs that the minister was speaking said at a roundtable on the theme "Investing in the Future: Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Development", held within the framework of the 6th Baku International Humanitarian Forum at the ADA University.

According to the minister, this idea was supported by the country's president.

"I proposed this idea a few years ago and the president supported it. In addition, we decided that after that we would convene a Congress with the participation of all graduates of Azerbaijani universities. Today, starting from Soviet times, there are more than 15,000 graduates from more than 90 countries of the world”, he noted.

Foreign Minister stressed that Azerbaijani universities, both in the Soviet times and today, are in demand among foreign students.

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