Azerbaijan changes rules for recognition of foreign diplomas

"A new project has been submitted to the government to amend the rules for recognizing foreign qualifications (diplomas)," Eldar Orujov, Chairman of the Board of the Education Quality Assurance Agency (EQAA), said during training on Media and Education Dialogue.

The chairman of EQAA noted that the recognition of academic diplomas would be carried out in another format in the next month: "The new project will have a partial recognition concept. For example, a student studied in Russia, and the academic credit norm in that faculty is 240, but 340 credits in ours. After the new change, the person's credits will be accepted, and a partial recognition certificate will be issued.

"The person will have the opportunity to adjust his\her academic credits to Azerbaijani standards. After that, the person will be allowed to enter the labor market and receive a certificate."

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