Azerbaijan celebrating Fire Tuesday today

Baku. 5 March. REPORT.AZ/ Azerbaijan is celebrating Fire Tuesday today.

Report informs that Fire Tuesday follows the Water Tuesday ahead of Novruz. The fire is the symbol of sacredness, and this perception is extant among Turks. Being sacred, the fire protects people from evil, purifies them and gives them faith in the victory of the good.

On Fire Tuesdays people light bonfires and jump over them. By the popular belief, by doing so, a man gets rid of all his troubles. Like in other Tuesdays, people cook some meals on bonfires on Fire Tuesdays. From ancient times people cherished and protected fire. And making bonfires in a fortress always meant that some event is underway, which is clearly reflected in dastan 'Dede Qorqud'.

There are many proverbs and sayings related to fire. By ancient beliefs, when you approach a bonfire, you must say 'hello' to it. If the flame is black, it means a guest will come from far away. If you hear the noise of burning wood in the bonfire, it means that someone is talking about you.

Fire is the keynote of all Tuesdays ahead of Novruz.

March 12 will mark the Wind Tuesday and the last Tuesday before Novruz - Ilahir chershenbesi or it is also called Torpaq chershenbesi (Earth Tuesday) - will be celebrated on March 19.

This year spring will come to Azerbaijan at 01:58 on the night of March 21. The holiday eve (bayram akhshami) will be marked in the country on March 20 and March 21 is already a holiday.

Notably, this year March 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 will be nonworking on the occasion of Novruz. Since this year March 23 and 24 fall on weekends, March 25 and 26 will also be nonworking. 

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