Azerbaijan celebrates Day of Knowledge

Azerbaijan is celebrating the Day of Knowledge today.

According to Report, the academic year 2019/2020 begins on September 16, since September 15 is Sunday.

This academic year, 164,234 children will go to the first form. In general, 1,525,016 children will be enrolled in secondary schools in the country. Of these, 714,259 girls and 810,757 are boys. 122,043 children will study in the 9th grade and 82,782 in the 11th grade.

Currently, there are a total of 4,447 schools in the republic, including 322 elementary schools, 3,307 full secondary schools, 795 general secondary schools, 16 specialized secondary schools and 7 full-time (evening) schools, including 59 schools lyceums, 49 lyceums, 15 gymnasia and 14 boarding-type gymnasiums with integrated training.

This year, the Ministry of Education commissioned 43 schools, of which 20 are new, 8 underwent major overhaul, and 15 are of modular type.

A total of 414,844 students will study in general educational institutions subordinate to the Baku Education Department. 32,315 students will study in the 9th grade of the capital city schools, 22,795 in the 10th grade, 18,896 in the 11th grade and 198 in the 12th grades.

For the 2019/2020 academic year, textbooks and methodological manuals on 322 items in 5,668,865 copies were printed for the 1st to 11th classes of general educational institutions.

108,074 children will be enrolled in preschool groups. For these groups, textbooks and methodological manuals on 3 titles in 168,148 copies were printed.

The first lesson will be devoted to the topic "Sports and Health" in primary school, "Reading is the road to spiritual enrichment" in the 5-9th grades, "Azerbaijan on the path of development" in the 10-11th grades.

According to the order of the Minister of Education, secondary schools subordinated to the Baku City Education Department, Ganja Education Department, district and city education departments and the Ministry of Education are instructed to ensure participation in the lessons of public representatives, war veterans, labor veterans, and former graduates.

According to the amendments to the "Model provision of a comprehensive school" by the Cabinet of Ministers by Decree No. 362 of October 30, 2014, from the 2015/2016 school year, classes begin on September 15 and end on June 14.

In accordance with the decree of President Ilham Aliyev of August 21, 2004, the school year in the country begins on September 15 and this day is celebrated as Knowledge Day.

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