Asteroid with high threat of colliding with Earth discovered

Asteroid 2022 AE1 found on January 6 in a survey of the Mount Lemmon astronomical observatory in Arizona in the United States has the highest risk of a collision with the Earth among all known near-Earth objects, Report informs, citing the website of the Center for the Study of Near-Earth Objects (CNEOS) of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of NASA.

The size of the asteroid 2022 AE1 is about 70 meters, and the speed of movement is 19.83 kilometers per second. The visual magnitude of the brightness – 22V – is at the limit of the possibility of observation for large telescopes.

Currently, the object has received one point on the Turin scale. A potential collision is possible on July 4, 2023. Scientists estimate the probability of a collision at the level of one in 1700.

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