Weather forecast in Azerbaijan for tomorrow announced

Baku. 31 January. REPORT.AZ/ Weather forecast in Azerbaijan on February 1 announced. Report was told by the the Hydrometeorological Forecasting Bureau of National Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources that, tomorrow in Baku and Absheron peninsula is expected to be partly cloudy, without precipitation. South wind will strengthen in the afternoon. The air temperature will be +4+5°C at night, +8+12°C in the daytime.

The atmospheric pressure will decrease to 765 mm. Relative humidity will be 80-90% at night, 60-70% in the daytime.

Tomorrow in Azerbaijani regions precipitation is not expected, drizzling rain is possible in the eastern regions.

The weather temperature will be 0+5°C at night, +11+16°C, -3+2°C in mountainous areas at night in highlands -5-10°C and +7+12°C in the daytime.

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