MP: World is facing ecological threat

The world is facing an ecological threat, Sadig Gurbanov, chairman of the natural resources, energy, and ecology committee of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) told the International Baku Forum themed "Healthy environment and mine-free life to achieve sustainable development goals" is being organized by the Agency of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of Azerbaijan, Report informs.

"The alarm is already being sounded. Many countries say that water resources will run out and drought will begin. But they forget that one of the main reasons for this is landmines."

The deputy noted that landmines not only physically kill people, but also damage the environment: "On the one hand, the countries of the world are talking about this threat, and on the other hand, countries like France are arming Armenia. This is a double standard."

Gurbanov added that very rare animals of Azerbaijan were also victims of mine terrorism: "This is disrespect for human values. It is done by the countries of the world themselves."

"Now Azerbaijan should direct its strength to the restoration of the world. The main way to do this is to unite around the policy of President Ilham Aliyev. Today, one of the main goals of Azerbaijan is the return to Western Azerbaijan," Committee Chairman stressed.

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