Ministry: Dusty fog observed in Baku will last for three days - UPDATED

Baku. 23 August. REPORT.AZ/ "Dusty weather in Baku and Absheron peninsula this morning is due to dusty air masses entering from the territory of Turkmenistan".

Deputy Director of the National Environmental Monitoring Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) Matanat Avazova told Report.

She said that windy weather dominates in the capital and peninsula in recent days: "As a result, dusty air masses entered from Turkmenistan to the coastal areas of the Caspian Sea. It's mainly being observed on the Absheron peninsula. Windy weather makes them to spit down". 


The ministry official said that this is due to weak southeastern wind and dust whirl caused by the storms in Turkmenistan desert: "Such meteorological conditions, dust fog will continue in the next three days. That is, weak winds will be observed till August 26, the temperature and relative humidity will be high, which can lead to increase in dust. People with respiratory tract problems recommended to stay at home".

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