Mikayilli: Azerbaijan improves water management in liberated lands

One of the negative consequences of the occupation of Azerbaijani lands and, in particular, Zangilan, is the pollution of the Okhchuchay River, said Habib Mikayilli, chief of the department for work with international organizations of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration, Report informs from Zangilan district.

He was speaking at the International Water Conference on "Promoting Partnerships and Activities for Sustainable Water Management."

He noted that toxic waste was poured into the river from enterprises operating in Armenia.

“Unfortunately, even one international company was involved in this,” Habib Mikayilli said. “We repeatedly raised the issue so that it would help clean up the river.”

He added that after the second Karabakh war, Azerbaijan is implementing one of the largest reconstruction works in modern history, which includes improved water management.

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