Global warming has also negative impact on Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijani Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry is keen on establishing a system of prompt notifications on the deterioration of climatic conditions.

Report informs that the head of the National Hydrometeorology Service of the ministry, Umayra Tagiyeva, said this at the conference POST COP26: Sustainable Development of Eurasian Countries held in Baku on the initiative of the Center for Sustainable Development and ESG Transformation of MGIMO following the results of the November UN climate summit.

"As part of the process of adaptation to the new climate agenda of the world, our goal is to create an early warning system for deteriorating weather. On this issue, we would like to cooperate with the Russian Academician Yu. A. Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology," Tagiyeva noted.

It is a matter of concern that due to global warming in Azerbaijan in recent years, "the frequency of mudflows has increased 14 times," she said, adding that modern forecasting methods are required.

Director of the Russian Yu. A. Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anna Romanovskaya also pointed out that southern Russia is increasingly suffering from numerous rainfalls, while in other regions, mainly in agricultural regions, droughts have become more frequent, which inevitably affects the life of the country's population.

"In 2019, the Russian Federation adopted the National Plan for Adaptation to the New Climate agenda. By the end of 2022, all 88 regions of the Russian Federation must submit their adaptation plans in order to update the National Plan and outline further steps," the head of the Russian institute said.

The rector of the Azerbaijani State University of Oil and Industry, Mustafa Babanli, pointed out that global warming has led to the shallowing of the Caspian Sea, and the country is also facing the issue of lack of freshwater.

These alarming moments do not leave Azerbaijan indifferent, and the country actively participates in the implementation of the Paris climate agreement and the tasks reflected in it.

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