German ambassador: Sewage from Yerevan pollutes Araz

Germany offered Armenia to build a sewage treatment facility years ago to stop the pollution of the Araz river, German Ambassador to Azerbaijan Wolfgang Manig told Report.

He noted that so far, their offer was not yet implemented. Therefore all the sewage of Yerevan goes unclean and pollutes the Araz river.

The ambassador said there’s a common interest to have a clean environment.

Germany wants to bring civil societies of Azerbaijan and Armenia together in a special platform for the exchange of information and to involve experts of both countries in this field.

Manig said he plans to hold a meeting with the UN Environmental Program’s representative in Baku to find out if they are willing to join the mentioned platform.

“We have discussed this [the pollution] with German Federal Foreign Office, and the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and we see a cooperation between the activists and institutions who work together to stop the further pollution of the rivers and to clean it,” said the ambassador.

In July this year, IDPs from Zangilan addressed the German ambassador with a request to take measures concerning German company CRONIMET, functioning in the Armenian mining sector without observing any eco-standards.

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