Forecasts Bureau: Unstable weather conditions in Azerbaijan to continue till August 16

Baku. 13 August. REPORT.AZ/ "Unstable weather conditions observed in Azerbaijan will last till August 16".

Director of the Bureau of Hydrometeorological Forecasts of the Department of National Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Gulshad Mammadova told Report.

According to her, north-west wind will intensify occasionally from August 14: "Wind is expected to weaken in the daytime on August 15. The weather will be windy till August 16, rain predicted in the morning and evening in some places ".

G. Mammadova noted that in the next two days, the temperature will be between 26-28 degrees in Baku and on Absheron peninsula, while 28-30 degrees in the regions: "The weather predicted to rise 2-3 degrees compared to these days from August 16."

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