Expert: COP29 to provide Azerbaijan with opportunity to advance its climate agenda globally

Hosting the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Azerbaijan underscores the country’s commitment to sustainable development and international cooperation, and will further strengthen its authority in the international arena, Pakistani expert, deputy editor-in-chief of Pakistan Economic Net & Daily Ittehad Media Group Maarij Farooq told Report.

He noted that Azerbaijan has been taking proactive steps in the fight against climate change, reflecting its commitment to environmental sustainability and ecological conservation. The country has been involved in several initiatives, both domestically and internationally, to address climate change, he said.

“Nationally, Azerbaijan has been working on diversifying its energy sources. The country is investing in renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar power, aiming to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels which in my opinion is a very significant step which will help to change the trend of South Asian Caucus. This transition not only contributes to the global effort to mitigate climate change but also exemplifies Azerbaijan's dedication to a sustainable energy future.

“Azerbaijan is also involved in regional environmental projects and has been part of international agreements focused on reducing carbon emissions and protecting biodiversity. Hosting COP29 would further solidify its role as a leading nation in environmental discussions and solutions.

Moreover, Azerbaijan's strategic geographic location and economic resources give it a unique opportunity to bridge the efforts between various countries in the region on climate action. Its engagement in international environmental diplomacy has the potential to foster collaboration and encourage other nations to commit to more ambitious climate goals.

In summary, Azerbaijan's role in combating climate change is characterized by a forward-looking approach to energy, active participation in environmental diplomacy, and a clear intent to balance economic development with ecological responsibility. Hosting COP29 would be a testament to its ongoing efforts and leadership in global environmental stewardship,” he said.

“Azerbaijan’s hosting of COP29 presents a strategic opportunity to advance its climate agenda, demonstrate leadership in energy transition, and foster regional and global cooperation in tackling climate change. The success of COP29 in Azerbaijan could potentially set a precedent for future climate action in oil-rich nations transitioning towards sustainable development,” he added.

“In all totality, the visibility of hosting such an important global event could also encourage Azerbaijan to enhance its environmental policies and initiatives, leading by example on the international stage. This could have a ripple effect, inspiring other nations, particularly those reliant on fossil fuels, to take similar actions.”

On December 11, Azerbaijan was officially announced as the host of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP29.

On December 15, under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, a meeting was held in Baku in connection with the holding of COP29 in the country next year.

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