Ecologists predict weather in Azerbaijan on July 31

Baku. 30 July. REPORT.AZ/ 40 degrees of heat predicted in Baku on July 31. Report was told in the National Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.

Tomorrow, the weather in Baku and Absheron peninsula tomorrow will be sunny, mild south-east wind will blow.

The temperature will be 24-27 at night, 35-38 in the daytime, and 40 degrees in some places.

The weather will be mainly dry in Azerbaijani regions. East wind will blow.

The temperature will be 22-27 C at night, 35-40 C in the daytime, in some places to reach 42, in the mountains 17-22 C at night, 29-34 C in the daytime.

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